So with one of the top marketing publishers on hand, @brucedaisley gave us the extent of his knowledge and opinions on what the big brands are planning in this exciting new method of advertising - on Twitter.
So without further ado, the transcript highlights are below (in full Twitter format for authenticity!)

@brucedaisley Does concept of promoted tweets in individual timelines not undermine essence of Twitter? #brchat

@BrandRepublic No. We created ad formats that are part of the conversation - not next to it - so they work equally well on mobile. Cadbury's mentioned to us that our mobile ads allowed them to reach consumers on the go. Ads at the point of purchase #brchat

@brucedaisley which brands have you seen using the ad platform in interesting ways? #brchat

@brucedaisley Is it poss/necessary to work with Locog to ensure non-sponsors cannot ambush Olympic feed/hastags? #brchat
@BrandRepublic We've got a clear trade mark policy on our site: #brchat

@brucedaisley how do you see Twitter evolving in next two years? #brchat

@BrandRepublic One main area of focus is helping users discover the right content - the Discover tab is a first step here. #brchat

@brucedaisley How do you convince marketers to spend with Twitter instead of Facebook? #brchat

@BrandRepublic It really isn't an either or. They are very different platforms used differently by users and brands. Advertisers understand diff platforms achieve diff things. Twitter gives brands a voice & a way to connect directly #brchat

@brucedaisley any chance Twitter will produce tools that will allow advertisers to predict impression rates?#brchat

@BrandRepublic We provide advertisers a suite of analytics. We're always interested to hear what else they need next. #brchat
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