Unveiled yesterday by Mark Zuckerberg, Graph Search collates results from your personal Facebook network as well as the purported billion users globally. This data is intended to be used to answer direct questions and queries regarding everyday life - such as: "photos of my friends taken in Paris, France" or "Restaurants liked by friends in London".
This unique data, coupled with Facebook's ad targeting and growing integration with search engine Bing, could yet revolutionise the search market and claw back a greater share of search authority from Google.
The UK search market is worth £2.2m, so search budgets could yet be adjusted should Graph Search take off.
“Wherever there is discovery there is sponsored discovery. Facebook has always said its ad product is in the demand-generation space rather than a demand fulfilment one and therefore doesn’t lead to actual conversions. But this would change if people start using Facebook to search for things as they would on the web.”