The adverts, which through editing, featured images of political and religious world leaders "reconciling" with a kiss. High-profile figures included Barack Obama, Mahmoud Abbas, Benjamin Netanyahu, Kim Jong-il, Nicolas Sarkozy, Angela Merkel and Pope Benedict XVI.
Whilst the campaign has received criticism from the Vatican and disapproval from the White House, Bennetton have insisted their adverts are conveying a positive, reconciliatory message.
"The images are very strong, but we have to send a strong message," Alessandro Benetton, Benetton's executive deputy chairman said while presenting the ads in Paris. "We are not wanting to be disrespectful of the leaders ... we consider them "conception figures" making a statement of brotherhood with a kiss."
"The reason we chose this is because it stood out on the wall," Steve Jones, a member of the press jury. "It's not like traditional advertising. It's not making a point about the clothes, its brand history. It doesn't obey the rules.
You can like it, you can dislike it, you can't ignore it," said juror Komal Bedi Sohal from the United Arab Emirates.