We recently placed our first candidate at Private White in Manchester. Private White VC are a Manchester based brand that "is committed to producing quality everyday menswear using the finest British materials and craftsmanship". The collection is designed by former head of Dunhill menswear, Nick Ashley. But stays true to the roots of the man Private Jack White himself, all Private White V.C. clothing is manufactured in the same factory in Manchester where Jack originally started his apprenticeship after WWI, and later went on to own.

After initially meeting with the client we had placed Mark Carter within two weeks! Our account manager, Harriet Sanders, met the client and started the recruitment process. They discussed the brand in depth and researched in detail who the client was, this allowed us to understand exactly the sort of candidate they needed. We pride ourselves on our ability to diagnose staffing needs through years of experience and working with a range of clients. Having established the needs of the Private White we filtered potential candidates who were suitable. Rather than bombard the client with as many as possible we cherry picked a candidate which we knew would be a match.

We caught up with Mark to find out how he viewed our service and the process he went through:

What was your impression of Chrysalis and our service?
MC: The most professional, personal, understanding, caring service I have ever experienced. The one service I needed at the time was a company that WANTED to find me a job and not throw me at every job that came across their desk. It was the fact that Harriet took it so personally, I got the impression that she wanted to find me the best job ever and boy did she deliver. 

What was your previous role, and current role?
MC: My previous role to Private White VC was "Head of Ecommerce and Customer Acquisitions" At Textiles Direct. My current role at Private White VC is a bit of all round Digital Marketing Manager. It does not sound as exciting as "head of" but let me tell you this role is one of the best roles I could have hoped for in my whole career. I have the opportunity here to create a team of experts and be part of a British Legacy and one of the most Iconic clothing brands in the world.

What were you initially looking for in terms of a company/brand?
MC: At the time all I needed was a stable company that was not going to go bust. Being a digital marketing expert you can mould your self to any brand or company. Harriet not only read my CV but read me, she found the job that included all my passions, military, textiles and marketing all in one shot. 

Have you worked with recruitment agencies in the past? If so, how did this service compare?
MC: This is a subject I could rant about all day. I have used a lot of recruitment companies both professionally and personally. 99% of them were simply keyword matching and calling you up and saying they have the perfect role. Only to find out they have not read your CV and have completely missed the mark. One company even sent me off to an interview for an accountants position. If I had to compare the service I got from Harriet at Chrysalis to every other recruitment agency I worked with, it would be like trying to compare an Ewok to a Han Solo, a Weed to a Rose, imported cheap clothing to Private White VC, you see what I did there. Chrysalis is by far the best I have seen.

It's always great to know that we've made a real difference to someone, and this is the joy of the job! If you'd like to work with a top brand such as Private White or find yourself in a similar position to Mark then contact us to discuss the opportunities we have available. If you are looking for an instant solution to your staffing problems; contact us on 0161 833 3874 or visit www.chrysalisrecruitment.com for more information.